Wrapper around Fireworks API for large language models

Fireworks API is compatible to the OpenAI API with some limitations described in https://readme.fireworks.ai/docs/openai-compatibility.

To use, you should have the openai package installed and the FIREWORKS_API_KEY environment variable set.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • Optional fields: Partial<Omit<OpenAIInput, "frequencyPenalty" | "presencePenalty" | "openAIApiKey" | "bestOf" | "logitBias">> & BaseLLMParams & {
          fireworksApiKey?: string;

    Returns Fireworks


fireworksApiKey?: string


  • Calls the Fireworks API with retry logic in case of failures.


    • request: CompletionCreateParamsStreaming

      The request to send to the Fireworks API.

    • Optional options: any

      Optional configuration for the API call.

    Returns Promise<AsyncIterable<Completion>>

    The response from the Fireworks API.

  • Calls the Fireworks API with retry logic in case of failures.


    • request: CompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming

      The request to send to the Fireworks API.

    • Optional options: any

      Optional configuration for the API call.

    Returns Promise<Completion>

    The response from the Fireworks API.

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